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. 2007 Dec;25(4):436–447.


Geographic profile of the JiVitA Project in northern Bangladesh: point, linear, and area features

Point features
Landmark type No.

Households 149,402
Tubewells 56,406
Lakes or ponds 23,008
Shops or markets 3,456
Religious facilities 1,829
Schools 1,087
Agricultural production facilities 795
Healthcare service providers 603
Non-governmental organizations 95

Total no. 236,681

Line features
Landmark type Cumulative length (km)

Railroads 27.7
Paved roads 126.6
Unpaved (dirt) roads 1,667.0
Footpaths 234.9

Total kilometres 2,056.2

Area features
Area type Cumulative area (sq km)

Project area 435

∗Geographic profile based upon the status of the JiVitA GIS at the end of June 2006