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. 2003 Nov 3;22(21):5769–5779. doi: 10.1093/emboj/cdg548

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Fig. 5. The effects of RasACT in scrib mutant eye clones are mediated through the MAPK cascade, but cannot be mimicked by enhancing cell cycle progression and preventing apoptosis. (A and B) Expression of RafACT in scrib1 eye clones mimics the effects of RasACT. Elav staining shows a block to photoreceptor differentiation in third instar larval eye discs (A1), and the scrib tissue, marked by the expression of GFP, greatly overproliferates (A2). As a consequence, many larvae fail to pupate and overgrow (B, wild-type larvae on the left) like homozygous scrib mutants. (C) Expressing RasACT in control wild-type eye clones, marked by GFP expression (C2 and 3), induces cyclin E (C1 and 3), and is pupal lethal. The position of the MF is indicated by a bar. (D–F) Blocking cyclin E activity by expressing Dacapo (Dap) in RasACT-expressing control clones can rescue the pupal lethality associated with the constitutive expression of RasACT, although the resulting adult eyes are severely disorganized (E). Expressing Dap in RasACT-expressing scrib1 clones can also rescue the overproliferation phenotype, although Elav staining (D) shows that RasACT is still not effective at inducing photoreceptor differentiation of scrib tissue, and the developing adult flies fail to eclose and have severely disorganized eyes (F). (G and H) Mutating E2F1 (e2f191) in RasACT-expressing control eye clones rescues the pupal lethality associated with the constitutive expression of RasACT in wild-type clones (G), as does mutating E2F1 (e2f191) in RasACT-expressing scrib1 mutant clones (H). (I and J) Co-expression of cyclin E with the apoptosis inhibitor, p35, in scrib1 eye clones (I) results in overgrowth but fails to reproduce the effects of RasACT in scrib1 clones. Co-expression of E2F1, DP and p35 in scrib1 eye clones (J) results in overgrowth; however, the overgrowth is still not as aggressive as that produced by RasACT or RafACT in scrib1 clones.