Figure 4. The dg2 Gene Is Involved in Surviving Prolonged Hypoxia.
(A) The dg2 gene is required in embryos for survival during prolonged hypoxia. Stage 12 forR and fors embryos were subjected to hypoxia for either 2, 4, 6, or 12 hr and then removed and allowed to develop at 25°C on grape agar plates for 30 hr. The percent viability was determined by the number of larvae that hatched. Viability of forR embryos: 0 hr, 96%; 2 hr, 92% ± 2.8%; 4 hr, 90% ± 2.9%; 6 hr, 93% ± 5%; 12 hr, 97% ± 2.9%. Viability of fors embryos: 0 hr, 89%; 2 hr, 89% ± 8.7%; 4 hr, 82% ± 8.6%; 12 hr, 18% ± 5.8%. Percentages are the average of three experiments.
(B) The dg2 gene is required in larvae for survival during prolonged hypoxia. Early third instar forR and fors larvae were subjected to hypoxia for 6 hr, after which they were removed and allowed to develop on grape agar plates containing yeast. The percent viability was determined by the number of flies that eclosed. Viability of forR larvae, 83% ± 11.1%; fors larvae, 24% ± 4.0%. Percentages are the average of three experiments.