Figure 1. Mouse Rad51c gene targeting.
(A) Scheme illustrating the gene targeting strategy to generate a Rad51c-null allele. Rad51c exons are indicated as boxes with corresponding numbers. Restriction sites are labeled as S for SalI, H - HpaI, R - EcoRI, and K - KpnI. F1, F2, and R1 designate location and direction of primers used for PCR-genotyping. HpaI restriction fragments detected by Southern analysis with the internal probe b are indicated as blue lines under each allele. A frt-loxP-PGK-EM7-neomycin-bp(A)-frt-loxP cassette was targeted into the first intron of Rad51c (at genomic location chr11: 87217150) and a single loxP site was inserted the third intron (at genomic location Chr11: 87214383) (B) Depiction of exon structure of the Rad51c transcript and the corresponding protein with functionally important regions. N-terminal domain is shown in green and C-terminal domain in shown in blue. (C) Genotyping by Southern blot showing four different genotypes with allele sizes labeled at the right. (D) Examples of genotyping using PCR primers shown in (A).