Figure 4. VSV infection induces autophagy in Drosophila cells.
VSV induces autophagosomes as measured by LC3 re-localization. A. Drosophila cells were transfected with a GFP-LC3 reporter (green). Cells were either uninfected or infected with wild type VSV or UV inactivated VSV for 24 hours, fixed, probed with anti-VSVM (Red) and with Hoechst 33342 (blue). A representative image is shown. Arrows indicate GFP-LC3+ puncta. B. The percentage of cells with punctae were counted for five experiments and fold change was graphed for cells that were uninfected (blue) infected with wild type VSV (red) or UV inactivated VSV (green); error bars indicate standard deviation; * p<0.01 student’s ttest. C. There is an increase in the number of punctae per cell upon infection with either VSV or UV inactivated VSV graphed as the number of punctae per cell normalized to 100% for each treatment (n>150 for each condition). D. The induction of GFP-LC3 punctae is cell-autonomous. The percentage of cells with punctae were counted for three experiments and fold change was graphed for cells that were either uninfected (blue), infected (red), or uninfected in a well where 30% of the cells were infected (orange). Only the infected cells have an increase in the GFP-LC3 punctae; error bars indicate standard deviation; * p<0.01 student’s ttest. E. There is no increase in the percentage of cells with punctae in cells that were transfected with viral RNA (red) compared to controls (blue). The percentage of cells with punctae was counted for three experiments and fold change was; error bars indicate standard deviation. F. There is no increase in the percentage of cells with punctae in cells that were transfected with viral RNP (red) compared to controls (blue). The percentage of cells with punctae was counted for three experiments and fold change was graphed; error bars indicate standard deviation. G. There is an increase in the percentage of cells with punctae in cells that were infected with VSV G+ VPs compared to blebs isolated from untransfected control cells. The average of three experiments is shown; error bars indicate standard deviation; * p<0.01 student’s ttest.