A, the TTX-I sodium current is not abolished by high concentrations of TTX (10 μm) as should be the case for Nav1.5. B, no significant difference in inward current amplitude when applying 1 or 10 μm TTX in the external solution (P > 0.5, Student's t test). C–E, recordings from Nav1.8−/− mice showed that the TTX-I sodium current is present in presubicular neurons. Sample traces from step depolarizations (C) and the corresponding I–V curve (D), in recording conditions to isolate the TTX-I sodium current. E, ramp depolarization from −140 to +70 mV with a slope of 120 mV s−1. F, the TTX-I sodium current is present in recordings from Nav1.9−/− mice. Same protocol as in A and E. G, the TTX-I ramp peak inward currents are not significantly different between wild-type mice, NaV1.8−/− and NaV1.9−/− mice, respectively (P > 0.5, Student's t test). Error bars represent mean ±s.e.m.