Fig. 2.
Detection of NPY in DMP1GFPtpz/pOBCol2.3GFPcyan dual transgenic mice. A: Expression of DMP1GFPtpz and pOBCol2.3GFPcyan in calvaria derived from dual GFP transgenic mice. DMP-1GFPtpz is detected in the cells within calvarial bone, while pOBCol2.3GFPcyan is detected in cells lining bone surfaces of the parietal bone. B: Real-time PCR analysis of RNA from freshly isolated calvarial cells obtained from dual transgenic mice (DMP1GFP/Col2.3GFP). Higher expression of NPY and DMP-1 was observed in DMP1GFPtopaz+ population than in Col2.3GFPcyan+ cells. A representative experiment out of three different biological experiments is presented (images were taken at a magnification of 20× (A)).