Figure 7.
mPFC theta response to the conditioned tone is reduced in MAM-treated rats. Multitaper spectral analyses of tone-evoked local field potential responses demonstrate that tone presentation alone induces a mild increase in prefrontal theta (4–12 Hz) oscillations in both saline (A) and MAM (B) rats. Control rats that had received a mild footshock paired with a tone display a massive and sustained increase in theta activity evoked by the conditioned tone (C), that is attenuated in rats that had been exposed to the tone before the conditioning period (E). In contrast, MAM-treated rats did not display a robust response to the conditioned tone either in rats with (F) or without (D) previous tone exposure. The horizontal line depicts the 2 s tone presentation whereas the dashed line represents the control response (i.e., no tone presentation); n = 3–5 rats/group.