Table 1.
Forebrain region | Density of Fos-immunoreactive cells |
Septum | |
Dorsolateral nucleus | + |
Intermediate nucleus medial nucleus | −/+ |
−/+ | |
Amygdala | |
Anterior cortical nucleus | + |
Posterior cortical nucleus | −/+ |
Basolateral nucleus | −/+ |
Basomedial nucleus | −/+ |
Central nucleus | −/+ |
Medial nucleus | +++ |
BNST | |
Rostral region | − |
Posterior region | − |
Hypothalamus | |
Arcuate nucleus | ++/+++ |
PVN | |
Parvocellular | − |
Magnocellular | −/+ |
Supraoptic nucleus | + |
VMH | ++/+++ |
Lateral hypothalamus | + |
Semi-quantitative ratings reflect the density of Fos-positive cells relative to controls, with (−) representing control-like levels of Fos-labeled cells, and plus symbols indicating slightly (+), moderately (++), or highly elevated (+++) numbers of Fos-labeled cells compared with controls in a given cell group or field. The (−/+) symbol indicates control-like or slightly elevated numbers of Fos-labeled cells, varying across intruders.