A conditional deletion of the AdoA1R gene. Cre expression in 6- to 8-week-old mice under the control of a CaMKII promoter induces recombination of floxed genes in both the forebrain and the hindbrain. First column, The reporter mouse ROSA26 was used to demonstrate Cre expression and therefore the location and spread of AdoA1R knock-out. Sections from an offspring of a ROSA26 reporter mouse crossed with a CaMKII-Cre mouse were stained with XGal (βGal stain) and neutral red (counterstain). ROSA26 mice express βGal wherever the transgene (in this case Cre) is expressed. The XGal stain is dark blue and apparent in both the cortex and the hindbrain tegmentum, and to a lesser extent in the thalamus. Second column, Autoradiographic label of mRNA message for AdoA1R is from comparable sections in Cre-negative AdoA1Rf/f mice. Third column, Cre-positive AdoA1R−/− mice probed for mRNA message for AdoA1R. AdoA1R message is reduced in regions that both are Cre+ (first column) and show AdoA1R message (compare second and third columns). Together, these results suggest that AdoA1R expression is reduced in most areas of the brain in the AdoA1R−/− mice.