Disruption of the HAC kinetochore by KAP1Δ20. (A) Schematic of KAP1 and its domains (top). Bottom, the frequency of the HACs targeted with KAP1Δ20 positive or not for CENP-A and -C or -H is plotted. For this experiment, 1C7 cells were transfected with control TetR:EYFP and TetR:EYFP:KAP1Δ20, fixed 96 h after transfection and costained with the indicated antibodies. Error bars, SEM. (B–D) Representative images of the staining of transfected 1C7 cells analyzed in B. Arrows point to the alphoidtetO HAC. Colors in merge: blue, EYFP; green, CENP-C; red, CENP-A. Merged inset, bottom right of C‴ shows only red and green channels. Scale bar, 5 μm.