Studies examining Tai Chi in coronary heart disease and heart failure
Reference (Author, Yr, Country, Language) |
Study Design |
Study Population Description, Mean Age |
N* | Intervention/ Control Details |
Main Results** | Modified Jadad; ABC Quality Score† |
Coronary Heart Disease | ||||||
Channer 1996, UK, E |
RCT | • CHD, Post- acute MI • 56 yrs |
126 | • Wu style TC/Qigong × 8 wks • Exercise to music • Support group |
• ↓ BP • ↓ Resting HR • Greater compliance with TC |
+2 B |
Lan 1999, Taiwan, E |
NRS | • CHD, Post- CAB (Men) • 57 yrs |
20 | • Yang style TC × 1 yr • Walking |
• ↑ Exercise capacity • Greater compliance with TC • TC exercise intensity 48–57% HRmax reserve |
B |
Zheng 2004, China, C |
NRS | • CHD, Post- hospital discharge • 68 yrs |
24 | • Yang style TC (Simplified 24 forms) × 3 mos • No control |
•↓ DBP •No change in SBP or resting HR •↑ HR max during exercise;↑ HR reserve |
C |
Heart Failure | ||||||
Yeh 2004, US, E |
RCT | • CHF, chronic stable LVEF <=40% NYHA Class I–IV • 64 yrs |
30 | • Yang style TC × 12 wks • Usual care |
• ↑ Exercise capacity • ↓ B-type natriuretic peptide • Improved HF-specific QOL • No change in catecholamines • Improved sleep stability • NS trend improved heart rate variability during sleep |
+4 A |
Wei 2003, China, C |
RCT | • CHF, LVEF range not specified (CHD 40%, HTN 60%) NYHA Class II– IV • 60 yrs |
70 | • Yang style TC (Simplified 24 forms) × 12 wks • Usual Care |
• ↑ LVEF | +1 C |
Barrow 2007, UK, E |
RCT | • CHF, chronic stable, systolic dysfunction LVEF range not specified NYHA Class II–III • 70 yrs |
52 | • Wu Chian Chuan style × 16 wks • Usual Care |
• No change in exercise tolerance • Improved HF-specific QOL • NS trend improved depression scores |
+3 A |
Fontana 2000, US, E |
NRS | • CHF, chronic stable, LVEF= 25–35% (2 unspecified) • 65 yrs |
5 | • Modified TC × 12 wks • No control |
• ↑ Exercise capacity (6min walk) • Improved HF-specific QOL, ↓ symptoms (dyspnea) • Improved vigor and physical function • Good compliance with TC after 3 months |
B |
Zhang 1988, China, C |
NRS | • “Mal LV function” NOS 6–24 mos TC experience • 61 yrs |
13 | • TC/Qigong (15 style) × 6–12 mos • No control |
• ↓PEPI, ↓ PEP/LVET, ↑LVEF | C |
Study Type Key: NRS- prospective non-randomized intervention studies, controlled and non-controlled; OBS- observational, cross-sectional studies, controlled and non-controlled; RCT- randomized controlled clinical trials
Abbreviations: C=published in Chinese; CAB, coronary artery bypass; CHD, coronary heart disease; CHF, chronic heart failure; DBP, Diastolic blood pressure; E, published in English; HR, Heart rate; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVET, left ventricular ejection time; MI, myocardial infarction; NOS, not otherwise specified; NS, non-significant; NYHA, New York Heart Association; PEP, pre-ejection phase (PEPI, corrected for heart rate); QOL, quality of life; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TC= tai chi
Number of study participants included in analyses
All within-group (TC) pre-post changes are significant with P≤.05 unless otherwise noted. All results in controlled trials are reported in comparison to the control group(s) and are significant with P≤.05 unless otherwise noted.
Modified Jadad for RCTs (which gives 1 point for proper single-blinding of outcome assessors); ABC Quality Score A, studies where there appeared to be the least amount of bias and results were likely valid. ABC Quality Score B, studies that appeared susceptible to some bias, but not sufficient to invalidate the results. ABC Quality Score C, studies with evidence of significant bias that may invalidate the results