Figure 1.
A–C, Glial response to plaque deposition as demonstrated by autoradiography for PBR with [18F]FE-DAA1106 in a brain section of a 20-month-old APP23 mouse (A) followed by Aβ immunolabeling (B; merged image is shown in C). D–I, Pathology in a 20-month-old APP23 mouse detected by emulsion microautoradiography of [3H]DAA1106 (D, F, H) and FSB (E), resulting in double labeling of PBR and plaque amyloid (G, I). Photomicrographs are displayed at low (D, E), middle (F, G) and high (H, I) magnifications. Correspondence between radiolabeled and fluorolabeled lesions in the hippocampus and neocortex is indicated by arrows and arrowheads, respectively. J–L, Brain sections of 9-month-old WT (J) and PS19 (K, L) mice radiolabeled with [18F]FE-DAA1106 (J, K) and immunostained with antibody against phosphorylated tau (L). PS19 mouse exhibited PBR positivity and phospho-tau accumulation in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, concurrent with marked atrophy of these structures and ventricular dilatation (asterisks in K, L). High-power view of hippocampal CA1 sector is shown in inset of L. Scale bars: (A–E, J–L) 1 mm, (F, G) 500 μm, (H, I) 100 μm, (inset in L) 50 μm.