U100, a novel RNA guide targeting U6 snRNA. (A) Predicted base pairing of U100 with U6 snRNA. The U6 nucleotide predicted to be targeted for modification by U100 is indicated by an arrow. Note that only the the 3′ hairpin domain from U100 is shown. The sequences shown are for human. (B) Mapping of pseudouridines at the 5′ end of the spliceosomal U6 snRNA. Total RNA extracted from HeLa cells, treated (+) or not treated (–) with CMC, was subjected to primer extension analysis with a U6-specific 32P-labelled oligonucleotide. (C) U100 sequence alignment between H.sapiens and the fish F.rubripes. The fish U100 gene is located in an intron of the Huntington’s disease gene homologue (accession no. X82939). The conserved ACA motif and potential bipartite antisense element are denoted (boxed and overlined, respectively). Below the alignment, conserved nucleotides are denoted by asterisks.