Figure 1. Theeri-6/7 locus in various strains and its gene products in C. elegans N2.
a, Structure of eri-6/7 in C. elegans N2 and the syntenic region in C. briggsae AF16, based on RT-PCR, 3″-RACE and WormBase21. The eri-7 operon is conserved. C. briggsae eri-6 is encoded on the opposite strand from C. elegans and is one gene with C. briggsae eri-7 (CBG03999). Exons are black or red rectangles, depending on the strand on which they are encoded. Open rectangles: predicted exons21, but unconfirmed. Striped exons: discovered experimentally. eri-6 splices to eri-7 24 nucleotidesupstream of the predicted21 eri-6 stop codon. b, Relative orientation of eri-6 and eri-7 in four C. elegans isolates. Blue arrows: the approximate 930-bp direct repeat flanking eri-6. Orange arrowheads: 25-bp inverted repeats.