Figure 4. MO3.13 NO resistance is turned off by HO1 inhibitor and involves peroxynitrite.
A).Western blot from motor neuron cell lysates. 1. MW=molecular weight, 2. UA—10uM uric acid, 3. HNO---high dose NO (110pm/s) 4. HNO+UA—high dose NO + uric acid, 5.IAR---low dose NO (2pm/s) followed 2h later by high dose NO (110pm/s) 6. IAR+ZnPPIX---IAR protocol in the presence of HO1 inhibitor (20uM). B.) Quantification of data from A and other western blots. Xfold increase is from 3NY total from untreated (treated with spent NO donors). C).1. MW=molecular weight, 2. 3NY=nitrated albumin, 3.=Untreated M03.13,4.=low dose NO MO3.13, 5.=high NO MO3.13, 6=high NO MO3.13 7.=high NO NSC34D, 8.=high NO NSC34D, 9.=low NO NSC34D, 10.=untreated NSC34D. D.) Quantification of data from C and other western blots. Xfold increase is from 3NY total from untreated (treated with spent NO donors).