Table 4.
Group Differences in Proportion of Acts with a Vocalization, Eye Gaze, and Coordinated with Vocalization, Gaze, and Gesture
Pairwise group differences |
ASD (n = 50) |
DD (n = 25) |
TD (n = 50) |
Measure | M | SD | M | SD | M | SD | F value | p value | Effect sized | p value | Effect sized |
Acts with Vocalization (%) | |||||||||||
Total Acts | 54.46a | 27.01 | 59.36a | 31.40 | 76.74b | 18.96 | 12.39*** | .879 | 0.17 | .000 | 0.97 |
Behavior Regulation | 47.30a | 31.03 | 52.34ab | 34.94 | 67.62b | 24.90 | 6.92** | .903 | 0.15 | .001 | 0.73 |
Social Interaction | 50.14a | 36.36 | 59.96a | 36.70 | 64.74a | 31.23 | 1.94 | .679 | 0.27 | .149 | 0.43 |
Joint Attention | 85.08a | 27.47 | 72.63a | 31.77 | 87.64a | 16.97 | 2.16 | .350 | −0.42 | .945 | 0.12 |
Acts with Gaze (%) | |||||||||||
Total Acts | 42.26a | 27.30 | 49.87a | 16.93 | 51.96a | 17.16 | 2.25 | .368 | 0.34 | .105 | 0.44 |
Behavior Regulation | 22.39a | 26.53 | 27.47a | 29.88 | 30.61a | 30.70 | 1.02 | .853 | 0.18 | .395 | 0.29 |
Social Interaction | 54.79a | 46.69 | 73.69a | 31.31 | 63.25a | 31.16 | 1.80 | .180 | 0.48 | .707 | 0.22 |
Joint Attention | 60.60a | 38.65 | 51.86a | 30.07 | 53.18a | 20.42 | 0.61 | .709 | −0.25 | .650 | −0.25 |
Acts Coordinated with Vocalization, Gaze, and Gesture (%) | |||||||||||
Total Acts | 17.17a | 14.69 | 20.62a | 15.84 | 22.94a | 10.88 | 2.47 | .742 | 0.23 | .081 | 0.45 |
Behavior Regulation | 14.80a | 13.05 | 20.93ab | 22.93 | 24.16b | 15.29 | 5.45 | .525 | 0.34 | .004 | 0.66 |
Social Interaction | 23.79a | 25.77 | 27.86a | 29.29 | 23.19a | 23.98 | 0.26 | .929 | 0.15 | .999 | −0.02 |
Joint Attention | 13.52a | 20.29 | 18.62a | 18.20 | 20.83a | 12.52 | 1.82 | .690 | 0.27 | .170 | 0.45 |
Note: Means in the same row with different subscripts differ significantly at p <.05.
Proportion is the total number of coordinated acts for each function divided by the total number of acts for that function.
Degrees of freedom are Welch corrected when necessary forviolation of homogeneity of variance as assessed by Levene’s test.
Effect size based on Cohen’s d = .20 is small, .50 is medium, and .80 is large
p <.05
p <.01
p <.001