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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Microfluid Nanofluidics. 2009 Feb 1;6(2):145. doi: 10.1007/s10404-008-0399-9

Table 1.

Summary of the the performance metrics reported for the various EOPs

Type of EOPs Structure Pumping solution Applied
Flow rates Pumping
Application References
Open-channel EOPs Two nanopumps made of six
 83-mm long, 300-μm wide
 and 50-μm deep microchannels
 connected in parallel
10 mM borax 1 kV 1.25 μL/min Volumetric
Guenat et al. 2001
A 1-mm wide, 100-μm long and
 120-nm deep channel
1/10 phosphate buffer 40 V 5 kPa Takamura et al. 2001
A wide, short and shallow
 (38 mm × 1 mm × 0.9 μm)
 pump channel, incorporated
 with eight equally distributed
 0.25-mm wide ribs
DI water 1 kV 15 μL/min 33.4 kPa Chen and Santiago 2002
1–100 pumping channels with 1–
 6 μm deep and 4–50 mm long
Buffer solution
 (15.4 mM
2 kV 10–400 nL/min 551.3 kPa Deliver samples for
Lazar and Karger 2002
A single channel with 400 nm
 deep, 85 μm long and 33.2 mm
 wide folded 39 times
1/10 phosphate buffer 10 V 415 nL/min 0.8 kPa Takamura et al. 2003
10 stage cascade EOP consist of
 130-nm deep channels and
 20-μm deep channels
1/10 phosphate buffer 10 V 25 kPa Takamura et al. 2003
100–1,000 parallel microchannels
 (7–10 μm wide, 5–20 mm long
 and 1.5 ~ 1.8 μm deep)
15 mM NH4HCO3 in
 H2O/CH3OH at
 pH ~ 8
500 V/cm 10–400 nL/min 689.1–
 1378.2 kPa
μ-LC—MS Lazar et al. 2006
A single channel (50 μm wide and
 5 mm long) with multiple pump
 arms (5 μm wide and 4 mm
10 mM carbonate buffer
 at pH 9.2
4–400 V 0.19–2.30 μL/
Edwards IV et al. 2007
“Y” shape pumping channel
 designed with two arms (40 μm
 wide, 30 μm deep and 12.6 mm
 long) with positively and
 negatively charged interior
 surface, respectively. And a
 field-free channel was 10 mm
10 mM phosphate
 buffer at pH 7.0
1.0 kV/cm 262.4 nL/min Joo et al. 2007
A programmable planar
 electroosmotic micropump
 consisting of an arrangement of
 multiple vertical narrow gap
DI water 40 V 10 nL/min 65 Pa Seibel et al. 2008
530 μm i.d. and 54 mm long
 capillary packed with 3.5 μm
 non-porous silica particles
DI water 2 kV 4.8 lL/min 2381.1 kPa Zeng et al. 2001
Pumping chamber was filled with
 packed non-porous silica
 particles and held in place using
 two polymeric porous frits
DI water 1.0 kV 0.8 mL/min 202.7 kPa Zeng et al. 2002
360 μm o.d. and 100 or 150 μm
 i.d. capillaries packed with 1 or
 5 μm diameter nonporous silica
10 mM Tris buffers
 added with
 zwitterionic additive
0.27 μL/min per
156 kPa/V Reichmuth and Kirby 2003
Two 500-μm channels, one packed
 with anion exchange beads and
 the other packed with cation
 exchange beads
25 mM phosphate
 buffer at pH 6.8
3 kV 2 μL/min Razunguzwa and Timperman 2004
Three 20 cm × 530 μm i.d.
 capillaries packed with
 20 ± 5 nm silica grains
3.0 mM sodium
 buffer at pH 7.5
10 kV 6.4 μL/min 20 MPa Capillary LC Chen et al. 2005a
Methanol 10 kV 4.5 μL/min 28 MPa
10 kV 5.7 μL/min 33 MPa
Three-stage 10 cm × 320 μm i.d.
 capillary packed with 2 μm
 porous silica particles
2 mM sodium
 dihydrogen phosphate
 buffer at pH 7.5
5 kV 1.7 μL/min 12.5 MPa Chen et al. 2005b
A straight channel
 (3 cm × 160 μm × 62 μm)
 packed with porous silica
 microspheres held by a weir
10 mM
 alkyl sulfonate CHES
3,500 V 85 nL/min 2,533 kPa Borowsky et al. 2008b
A straight channel
(3 cm × 230 μm × 100 μm)
 packed with porous silica beads
 held by a weir
Tris/acetonitrile 2,000–5,000 V μ-HPLC Borowsky et al. 2008b
Porous boric glass core with
 35 mm in diameter, 13 mm
 thick and 2–5 μm i.d. pore size
0.35 mM NH4OH 500 V 3.0 mL/min 0.15 MPa FIA Gan et al. 2000
Porous sintered-glass frit with
 30 mm in diameter and
 1.5–3 mm thick
1 mM borate buffer 200 V 7 mL/min 253.3 kPa Yao et al. 2001
A porous glass filter disk with a
 diameter of 30 mm and a
 thickness of 2 mm and an
 effective pore diameter of 1 μm
1 mM borax buffer 200 V 7 mL/min 160 kPa Microchannel cooling system Jiang et al. 2002
Porous sintered-glass frit with
 40 mm in diameter, 1–5 mm
 thick and 1 μm pore size
1 mM borate buffer at
pH 9.2
100 V 33 mL/min 131.7 kPa Yao et al. 2003
140-μm anion exchange
5 mM borate buffer 30 V 6 μL/min 450 kPa Brask et al. 2005
Porous silicon membranes 1 mM borate buffer 25 V 3.2 mL/min ~0.72 kPa Yao et al. 2006
Ten-stage membrane 1 mM electrolyte
370 V 0.17 mL/s 1.6 MPa Prakash et al. 2006
Macro porous silicon membrane DI water 60 V 11.9 μL/min 5.2 kPa Wallner et al. 2007
Aluminum oxide membranes with
 silica coating
DI water 70 V 86 mL/cm2 per min Miao et al. 2007
Porous anodic alumina membranes 10-6 M KCl 20 V 0.09 mL/min per V/cm2 Chen et al. 2008c
Porous silica disk with a length of
 3.5 mm, a porosity of 35%, and
 a pore radius of 0.75 μm
DI water 150 V 13.6 mL/min 2 kPa Berrouche et al. 2008
Porous monolith EOPs Polymer monolithic disks grafted
 ionizable functionalities
0.5 M borate buffer at
 pH 9.2
50 V 0.41 ml/min 0.38 MPa Tripp et al. 2004
A 100 μm i.d. and 6 cm long
 monolithic silica column
0.26 mM Tris-1.5 mM
 EDTA buffer at pH
6 kV 0.4 μL/min 0.4 MPa μ-FIA Chen et al. 2005c
A 100 μm i.d. and 6 cm long
 monolithic silica column with
 ~4 μm pores size
DI water 6 kV 2.9 μL/min 304.0 kPa Wang et al. 2006
Triple 10 × 0.1 mm i.d.
 monolithic silica columns
2 mM acetate buffer
 at pH 4.5
2 kV 0.1 μL/min 240 kPa Nie et al. 2007a
Monolithic silica column 2 mM sodium
2 kV 400 nL/min μ-FIA Nie et al. 2007b
ACEOPs An interdigitated electrode array
 consisting of 130 pairs of
 electrodes (100-nm Au/10-nm
 Nichrome) with alternating
 widths of 4.2 μm and 25.7 μm
 separated by 4.5 μm (edge-to-edge)
0.1 mM NaNO3 1.2 Vrms 75 μm/s Brown et al. 2001
An array of 564-pair circular
 electrodes (70-nm Au/5-nm Cr),
 each pair consisting of a 4 μm
 wide electrode, a 5 μm wide
 gap, a 26 μm wide electrode and
 a 16 μm wide gap
0.1 mM KNO3 1 Vrms (at 5 kHz) 50 μm/s Debesset et al. 2004
An array of 16 pairs of electrodes,
 each pair consisting of two
 100 μm wide and 1000 μm long
Al electrodes orthogonally
 arranged in a T-shape with a gap
 of 150–500 μm between the
NaCl solution 20 Vrms >1 mm/s Lastochkin et al. 2004
An array of electrodes with
 alternating heights (15 μm and
2.7 μm), all electrodes having a
 width of 20 μm and a 5 μm gap
 between adjacent electrodes
Deionized water 2 Vrms (at 1 kHz) 420 μm/s Urbanski et al. 2006
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