Table 1.
Summary of the the performance metrics reported for the various EOPs
Type of EOPs | Structure | Pumping solution | Applied voltage |
Flow rates | Pumping pressure |
Application | References |
Open-channel EOPs | Two nanopumps made of six 83-mm long, 300-μm wide and 50-μm deep microchannels connected in parallel |
10 mM borax | 1 kV | 1.25 μL/min | Volumetric nanotitrations |
Guenat et al. 2001 | |
A 1-mm wide, 100-μm long and 120-nm deep channel |
1/10 phosphate buffer | 40 V | 5 kPa | Takamura et al. 2001 | |||
A wide, short and shallow (38 mm × 1 mm × 0.9 μm) pump channel, incorporated with eight equally distributed 0.25-mm wide ribs |
DI water | 1 kV | 15 μL/min | 33.4 kPa | Chen and Santiago 2002 | ||
1–100 pumping channels with 1– 6 μm deep and 4–50 mm long |
Buffer solution (15.4 mM NH4HCO3/CH3OH) |
2 kV | 10–400 nL/min | 551.3 kPa | Deliver samples for ESI-MS |
Lazar and Karger 2002 | |
A single channel with 400 nm deep, 85 μm long and 33.2 mm wide folded 39 times |
1/10 phosphate buffer | 10 V | 415 nL/min | 0.8 kPa | Takamura et al. 2003 | ||
10 stage cascade EOP consist of 130-nm deep channels and 20-μm deep channels |
1/10 phosphate buffer | 10 V | 25 kPa | Takamura et al. 2003 | |||
100–1,000 parallel microchannels (7–10 μm wide, 5–20 mm long and 1.5 ~ 1.8 μm deep) |
15 mM NH4HCO3 in H2O/CH3OH at pH ~ 8 |
500 V/cm | 10–400 nL/min | 689.1– 1378.2 kPa |
μ-LC—MS | Lazar et al. 2006 | |
A single channel (50 μm wide and 5 mm long) with multiple pump arms (5 μm wide and 4 mm long) |
10 mM carbonate buffer at pH 9.2 |
4–400 V | 0.19–2.30 μL/ min |
Edwards IV et al. 2007 | |||
“Y” shape pumping channel designed with two arms (40 μm wide, 30 μm deep and 12.6 mm long) with positively and negatively charged interior surface, respectively. And a field-free channel was 10 mm long |
10 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 |
1.0 kV/cm | 262.4 nL/min | Joo et al. 2007 | |||
A programmable planar electroosmotic micropump consisting of an arrangement of multiple vertical narrow gap microchannels |
DI water | 40 V | 10 nL/min | 65 Pa | Seibel et al. 2008 | ||
Packed-column EOPs |
530 μm i.d. and 54 mm long capillary packed with 3.5 μm non-porous silica particles |
DI water | 2 kV | 4.8 lL/min | 2381.1 kPa | Zeng et al. 2001 | |
Pumping chamber was filled with packed non-porous silica particles and held in place using two polymeric porous frits |
DI water | 1.0 kV | 0.8 mL/min | 202.7 kPa | Zeng et al. 2002 | ||
360 μm o.d. and 100 or 150 μm i.d. capillaries packed with 1 or 5 μm diameter nonporous silica microspheres |
10 mM Tris buffers added with zwitterionic additive |
0.27 μL/min per kV |
156 kPa/V | Reichmuth and Kirby 2003 | |||
Two 500-μm channels, one packed with anion exchange beads and the other packed with cation exchange beads |
25 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 |
3 kV | 2 μL/min | Razunguzwa and Timperman 2004 | |||
Three 20 cm × 530 μm i.d. capillaries packed with 20 ± 5 nm silica grains |
3.0 mM sodium dihydrogenphosphate buffer at pH 7.5 |
10 kV | 6.4 μL/min | 20 MPa | Capillary LC | Chen et al. 2005a | |
Methanol | 10 kV | 4.5 μL/min | 28 MPa | ||||
Methanol-phosphate buffer |
10 kV | 5.7 μL/min | 33 MPa | ||||
Three-stage 10 cm × 320 μm i.d. capillary packed with 2 μm porous silica particles |
2 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer at pH 7.5 |
5 kV | 1.7 μL/min | 12.5 MPa | Chen et al. 2005b | ||
A straight channel (3 cm × 160 μm × 62 μm) packed with porous silica microspheres held by a weir |
10 mM cyclohexylamino alkyl sulfonate CHES |
3,500 V | 85 nL/min | 2,533 kPa | Borowsky et al. 2008b | ||
A straight channel (3 cm × 230 μm × 100 μm) packed with porous silica beads held by a weir |
Tris/acetonitrile | 2,000–5,000 V | μ-HPLC | Borowsky et al. 2008b | |||
Porous-membrane EOPs |
Porous boric glass core with 35 mm in diameter, 13 mm thick and 2–5 μm i.d. pore size |
0.35 mM NH4OH | 500 V | 3.0 mL/min | 0.15 MPa | FIA | Gan et al. 2000 |
Porous sintered-glass frit with 30 mm in diameter and 1.5–3 mm thick |
1 mM borate buffer | 200 V | 7 mL/min | 253.3 kPa | Yao et al. 2001 | ||
A porous glass filter disk with a diameter of 30 mm and a thickness of 2 mm and an effective pore diameter of 1 μm |
1 mM borax buffer | 200 V | 7 mL/min | 160 kPa | Microchannel cooling system | Jiang et al. 2002 | |
Porous sintered-glass frit with 40 mm in diameter, 1–5 mm thick and 1 μm pore size |
1 mM borate buffer at pH 9.2 |
100 V | 33 mL/min | 131.7 kPa | Yao et al. 2003 | ||
140-μm anion exchange membrane |
5 mM borate buffer | 30 V | 6 μL/min | 450 kPa | Brask et al. 2005 | ||
Porous silicon membranes | 1 mM borate buffer | 25 V | 3.2 mL/min | ~0.72 kPa | Yao et al. 2006 | ||
Ten-stage membrane | 1 mM electrolyte solution |
370 V | 0.17 mL/s | 1.6 MPa | Prakash et al. 2006 | ||
Macro porous silicon membrane | DI water | 60 V | 11.9 μL/min | 5.2 kPa | Wallner et al. 2007 | ||
Aluminum oxide membranes with silica coating |
DI water | 70 V | 86 mL/cm2 per min | Miao et al. 2007 | |||
Porous anodic alumina membranes | 10-6 M KCl | 20 V | 0.09 mL/min per V/cm2 | Chen et al. 2008c | |||
Porous silica disk with a length of 3.5 mm, a porosity of 35%, and a pore radius of 0.75 μm |
DI water | 150 V | 13.6 mL/min | 2 kPa | Berrouche et al. 2008 | ||
Porous monolith EOPs | Polymer monolithic disks grafted ionizable functionalities |
0.5 M borate buffer at pH 9.2 |
50 V | 0.41 ml/min | 0.38 MPa | Tripp et al. 2004 | |
A 100 μm i.d. and 6 cm long monolithic silica column |
0.26 mM Tris-1.5 mM EDTA buffer at pH 6.0 |
6 kV | 0.4 μL/min | 0.4 MPa | μ-FIA | Chen et al. 2005c | |
A 100 μm i.d. and 6 cm long monolithic silica column with ~4 μm pores size |
DI water | 6 kV | 2.9 μL/min | 304.0 kPa | Wang et al. 2006 | ||
Triple 10 × 0.1 mm i.d. monolithic silica columns |
2 mM acetate buffer at pH 4.5 |
2 kV | 0.1 μL/min | 240 kPa | Nie et al. 2007a | ||
Monolithic silica column | 2 mM sodium chloride |
2 kV | 400 nL/min | μ-FIA | Nie et al. 2007b | ||
ACEOPs | An interdigitated electrode array consisting of 130 pairs of electrodes (100-nm Au/10-nm Nichrome) with alternating widths of 4.2 μm and 25.7 μm separated by 4.5 μm (edge-to-edge) |
0.1 mM NaNO3 | 1.2 Vrms | 75 μm/s | Brown et al. 2001 | ||
An array of 564-pair circular electrodes (70-nm Au/5-nm Cr), each pair consisting of a 4 μm wide electrode, a 5 μm wide gap, a 26 μm wide electrode and a 16 μm wide gap |
0.1 mM KNO3 | 1 Vrms (at 5 kHz) | 50 μm/s | Debesset et al. 2004 | |||
An array of 16 pairs of electrodes, each pair consisting of two 100 μm wide and 1000 μm long Al electrodes orthogonally arranged in a T-shape with a gap of 150–500 μm between the electrodes |
NaCl solution | 20 Vrms | >1 mm/s | Lastochkin et al. 2004 | |||
An array of electrodes with alternating heights (15 μm and 2.7 μm), all electrodes having a width of 20 μm and a 5 μm gap between adjacent electrodes |
Deionized water | 2 Vrms (at 1 kHz) | 420 μm/s | Urbanski et al. 2006 |