Control of pulmonary metastases by intra-lymph node immunization with E7 peptide and pI:C. Mice were injected intravenously with 5 × 105 C3.43 tumor cells and then immunized with one of the following intranodal E7 + pI:C vaccine time courses: day 1, 4, 15, and 20 (A); day 8, 12, 22, and 26 (B); or day 15, 20, 29, and 33 (C). Survival curves for each group (A, B, C) are shown and the outcome for E7 + pI:C immunized mice (n = 9) was compared to pI:C only (n = 9) and untreated tumor control mice (n=9). Log-Rank statistical tests confirmed that survival in the E7 + pI:C group for each vaccine time course (A, B and C) was significantly longer than survival in the tumor control group (p = to 0.0007, 0.001, and 0.032 respectively) and the pI:C only group when immunization began on day 1 (A, p = 0.006) and day 8 (B, p = 0.004) but not day 15 (C, p = 0.06).