Effect of BDM and latrunculin A on interactions between the Igκ gene enhancers. A, Real time RT-PCR assay of rearranged Vκ4 gene transcript levels in 70Z/3 cells before and after treatment with BDM and/or LPS for 5 h. B, 3C assays of 70Z/3 cells treated as above. Standard deviations of three independent chromatin preparations are indicated. C, 3C assays of 70Z/3 cells before and after treatment with latrunculin A and/or LPS for 5 h. Standard deviations of three independent chromatin preparations are indicated. D, Real time PCR ChIP assays of Pol II occupancy at the Igκ enhancers in 70Z/3 cells treated as in Panel A. Map of the Igκ locus with the sites assayed for by PCR amplification in ChIP samples indicated by the underlying numbered solid circles. Fold enrichment is defined in Figure 5G. Standard deviations of three independent chromatin preparations are indicated. (E and F) Real time PCR ChIP assays of RelA and c-Rel occupancy on the Igκ gene enhancers in 70Z/3 cells treated as above. Fold enrichment is defined in Figure 5G. Standard deviations of three independent chromatin preparations are indicated.