NMDA receptor antagonists abolish the 3-NP-induced formation of punctate mitochondria. Representative images of a DsRed2-Mito transfected control neuron (a), a neuron treated with 3-NP (10 mM; b), a neuron treated with AP5 (100 μM) plus 3-NP (10 mM; c), and a neuron treated with AP5 alone (100 μM; d), all at the beginning of treatment (T = 0, upper) and 12 h later (T = 12 h, lower). Scale bar, 10 μm. (e) Bar graph shows the percentage of neurons with punctate mitochondrial morphology at 12 h of 3-NP exposure. (f) Bar graph of the percentage of cell death measured by chromatin condensation, shrunken soma, and fragmented mitochondria at 12 h after 3-NP exposure. Data represent 3–4 independent experiments, and error bars indicate ± S.E.M. Significant differences are indicated by symbols **(P<0.01; one-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s t-test)