(A-B) Representative images of OL cultures transfected with siCont or siMRF and differentiated for 1, 2 and 4 days stained with NG2 and MBP (A) or MOG (B). Scale bars=50um. (C-D) Quantification of the proportion of siCont and siMRF transfected OLs expressing MBP (C) and MOG (D) at 1, 2 and 4 days differentiation. **P<0.01. (E) Northern blot analysis of gene expression in siCont and siMRF transfected OL cultures at 2 days differentiation. RNA from brain, heart and cultured astrocyte samples are provided for positive and negative controls, respectively. (F-G) Results of GeneChip analysis of gene expression in OPCs and OLs transfected with siCont or siMRF as OPCs then cultured for 2 days in differentiating conditions. (F) Down-regulation of selected OPC markers NG2, PDGFRα and Ki67 during differentiation is not affected by MRF knockdown. (G) Expression of OL pan-OL lineage marker Sox10, early-OL markers (Ugt8, CNP, PLP and MBP) and late-OL markers (MAG, transferrin/Tfn, MOBP and MOG) in cells transfected with siMRF expressed as a mean percentage of siCont transfected OL values ±SEM. Results are averages of 3 independent experiments. (H) Venn diagram showing overlap of genes induced >4-fold with differentiation and those repressed >4-fold by transfection with siMRF.