Figure 2.
OsO4 footprint of the (TG)28 repeat of the rat ENK gene in the caudate nucleus and thalamus. (A) The solid arrowhead points to the most reactive thymidine at position −618 on the OsO4 footprint performed on caudate nucleus (see also Fig. 1). The caudate nucleus (Cn) and thalamus (Th) were dissected from 40 adult rat brains and treated with OsO4, and after the isolation of genomic DNA the 1,081-bp BglII fragment containing the endogenous (TG/AC)28 repeat of the rat ENK gene (position −1,081, indicated by open arrowhead) was probed with a radioactively labeled fragment rENK505–592 (29). An identical segment of the ENK gene isolated from rat genomic DNA without OsO4 treatment. (Lane B). Ten- and one-attomole standards (10, 1) derived from the 842-bp BglII–SphI fragment of the rENK gene (position −842 bp of the fragment is marked by arrowhead) illustrate detection sensitivity. Lanes T, C, G, and A show the sequencing ladders; the positions of the (TG)28 and (TC)20 repeat are marked. The sequencing primer overhangs the template segment by 8 bases; therefore, the sequencing ladder is shifted 8 bases above the genomic position. (B) Correlation between ENK mRNA levels and OsO4 reactivity at the d(TG/AC)28 repeat of the rENK gene in Cn and Th regions of the adult rat brain. Relative values were obtained from quantitive reverse transcription-coupled PCR and quantification of OsO4 reactivity on a PhosphorImager.