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. 2009;63:1–91. doi: 10.3114/sim.2009.63.01

Fig. 34.

Fig. 34.

Teleomorph of Hypocrea strictipilosa. a–e. Fresh stromata (a. immature/mature mixed, b, d. mature, c. immature, e. mature, side view). f–k. Dry stromata (f. immature, g–k. mature). l. Mature stroma reconstituted in water. m. Mature stroma in 3 % KOH after reconstitution in water. n. Perithecium in section. o. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. p. Subperithecial tissue in section. q. Base of stroma in section. r. Stroma surface in face view. s. Ascospores in ascus base. t–v. Asci with ascospores. a, c. WU 29143, b. WU 29131, d. WU 29153, e, g. WU 29139, h. WU 29150, f. WU 29132, i, m–r. WU 29161, j, t. WU 29156, k, v. WU 29148, l. WU 29152, s, u. WU 29162. Scale bars: a, c = 2 mm. b = 1.6 mm. d = 1.2 mm. e, h, j–l = 0.4 mm. f, g, i, m = 0.3 mm. n, p = 25 μm. o, q, r, t–v = 15 μm. s = 10 μm.