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. 2009;63:1–91. doi: 10.3114/sim.2009.63.01

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.

Cultures and anamorph of Hypocrea aureoviridis. a–c. Cultures at 25 °C (a. on CMD, after 14 d. b. on PDA, after 21 d. c. on SNA, after 21 d). d. Conidiation tufts on CMD (25 °C, 9 d). e. Conidiophores/shrubs of effuse conidiation on CMD (25 °C, 9 d). f. Surface hyphae on SNA (25 °C, 4 d). g. Crystals in agar (CMD, 15 °C, 7 d). h, i. Conidiophores from pustules. j–l. Phialides. m, n. Conidia. h–n. CMD, 25 °C, 7 d. a–d, f, g, m, n. CBS 120536. e, h–l. C.P.K. 2848. Scale bars: a–c = 19 mm. d = 0.8 mm. e = 65 μm. f = 0.2 mm. g = 0.15 mm. h = 30 μm. i, k, l = 15 μm. j = 10 μm. m, n = 5 μm.