Figure 3.
Anatomical specificity: Antagonism of increases in response thresholds generated by injection of morphine into nucleus parafascicularis (nPf) by pretreatment of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray with muscimol. Caption next to each graph symbol in the legend indicates drug treatment in vPAG and nPf (saline = sal, mrp = morphine, mus = muscimol). The designation of ‘control’ in the legend identifies data from rats with misplaced vPAG injections into the tegmentum (see Figure 2). Asterisks indicate significant increase in response thresholds when compared to following administration of saline into vPAG and saline into nPf (sal + sal). VAD = vocalization after discharge, VDS = vocalization during shock, SMR = spinal motor reflex (tail flick and hindlimb movements).