Fig 3.
Spectrum of HNE-induced point mutations in dsM13mp18 lacZ DNA transfected into the E. coli JM105 strain. The 5'→3' DNA sequence of the lacZ fragment of M13mp18 is shown, from the first nucleotide after lacI termination codon through the coding sequence for aminoacid 65 of the gene. The -10 and -35 promoters, as well as transcription start site (TST) are marked over the sequence. Base substitution mutations are marked in capital letters above the sequence, and frameshifts below, with indication of a subtraction (“-“) or addition (“+”) event. Spontaneous base substitutions are superimposed on the spectrum, and are marked below the sequence in a lower case, while spontaneous frameshift mutations are marked above the sequence, also in a lower case. (1) First and last nucleotide of the 54-nucleotide deletion of the polylinker region; (2) first and last nucleotide of the 93-nucleotide M15 deletion.