Figure 2. High resolution NMR spectra of a methanolic extract of LCC2 cells.
Glycerophospholipids were extracted from LCC2 cells grown in the presence of 10 mM [U-13C]- glucose for 24 h as described in the text. NMR spectra were recorded at 800 MHz, 20°C as described in the methods.
A,B. TOCSY spectrum recorded with a mixing time of 50 ms with 1D 1H NMR spectrum. The TOCSY spectrum was recorded at 18.8 T 293 K with 50 ms mixing time at a B1 field strength of 9 kHz. The data were processed with one linear prediction and zerofilling in t1 and apodized using an unshifted Gaussian function in both dimensions.
C. 1D NMR spectra
Top: 1D 13C-edited 1H (HSQC) spectrum
Bottom: high resolution 1H NMR spectrum