Figure 5. Summary of taxonomic and active site motif properties for Trx fold sequence groups (A–F).
Selected sequence classes marked with blue letters in Fig. 4 are summarized here. Coloring varies in the four columns of networks and bar charts—each is colored differently according to the legend at the bottom of each figure. Listed are: Group: the most prevalent PFAM family classification[s], the population without sequence filtering (“Population”) and the population after filtering to a maximum of 40% identity as shown in the adjacent network excerpt (“<40% ID”). See Table S4 for the mapping between these groups and the databases PFAM [27], SCOP [68], and CATH [69]. PFAM Family: the network cluster excerpted from Fig. 4. Species: a bar chart showing the distribution of species categories among sequences from the network; note that “Eukaryota” includes all eukyaryotic species without a more specific kingdom, and is primarily associated with protozoan parasites. Active Site: the network cluster colored by predicted active site architecture; these clusters are excerpted from Fig. 8. CxxC means both active site cysteines are present, Cxxc means only the N-terminal cysteine is present, cxxC implies the presence of the C-terminal cysteine, CxxxC indicates that there are three positions between the two cysteines, and “Other” means that neither cysteine is present in the expected position. CxxC Motif: a bar chart indicating the type of residue substitutions at the two key positions of the CxxC motif for that group. The stacked bars include the fraction of active sites incorporating a Cys, Thr, or Ser, as well as any other amino acid occurring more than 10% of the time (orange and light blue in key). Otherwise, residues other than cysteine, threonine, or serine are included in the grey “Other” category. Notes: column lists an example high-frequency CxxC motif and example UniProt IDs for sequences in the group.