The complete nucleotide and amino acid sequences of L. variegatus UTMP19. A, the complete coding region nucleotide sequence of UTMP19. B, the amino acid sequence of L. variegatus UTMP19 compared with the predicted sequences of the two S. purpuratus P19 long and short isoforms. The probability of phosphorylation of threonine (boldface type, red) and serine (boldface type, green) residues at a level of >0.5 is indicated. The underlined residues have phosphorylation probability scores of 0.8–0.94. Note the four highlighted pairs of consecutive glutamic acid residues (boldface type, purple) within the most NH2-terminal portion of the molecule. The dashed line indicates residue identity. There are many more species differences in the COOH-terminal half of the molecule than in the NH2-terminal portions.