A, close-up view of THF and interacting residues with overlaid simulated annealing omit map contoured at 5 σ (lime green). MvNei1 is shown in green and DNA in gray. Hydrogen bonds are represented by black dashed lines. B, superposition of the MvNei1·THF complex onto LlaFpg·AP site complexes (THF and Pr). The MvNei1·THF complex is shown in green, LlaFpg/Pr complex (PDB code 1PJI (52)) in beige, and the LlaFpg·THF complex (PDB code 1PM5 (52)) in orange. The hydrogen bond is shown as a black dashed line. The blue dashed line indicates the distance between the amino group of Pro-2 and C1′ of THF.