Fig. 3.
Cardiac NRSF transcription. a Although higher in atrium than in ventricle, NRSF transcription reaches a maximum level at P10 and declines thereafter to adult levels. Statistical analysis: *P < 0.05, atrium versus ventricle compared. b At P10, NRSF level is significantly lower in the sinoatrial node (SAN) in comparison to whole atrial tissue. Intermediate levels are detected in the right ventricle (RV), left ventricle (LV) and interventricular septum (Se). c Correspondingly, minor HCN4 levels in LAA, RV, LV and Se indicate inverse relations to NRSF. Statistical analysis: *P < 0.05, SAN and LAA, respectively, are compared pairwise to whole atrium at P10. #P < 0.05, LV, RV and Se, respectively, are compared pairwise to whole ventricle at P10 (n = 3)