a: Average correlation in the region of interest (ROI) defined in the contralateral SI for a seed placed in SI. Rats 1-3 showed two clear peaks. Stronger correlation is observed for LF1 for all the datasets. b: Correlation matrix for average time-courses for different locations. Overall, stronger correlation is observed for LF1. c,d: Number of voxels with correlation coefficient > 0.5 for seeds placed in SI and SII: Pixels crossing the threshold are restricted to the somatosensory cortex for LF2, whereas pixels crossing the threshold are distributed among SI, SII, and CP for LF1. Also, the extent of the correlation in cortex and CP does not vary with the cortical seed location for LF1 (maximum difference < 2 voxels for seeds placed in SI and SII). e: Number of voxels with correlation coefficient > 0.5 for seed placed in the CP: No pixels in SI and SII show correlation > 0.5 for LF2, whereas the pixels crossing the threshold are distributed among SI, SII, and CP for LF1. Please note that only three datasets showing the two peaks were used for the results shown in Figure 3. Inclusion of the remaining three datasets yields qualitatively similar results. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com]