Figure 7.
TvCs and fMRI BOLD CRFs (Top panels: main experiment, Bottom panels: control experiment): (A) TvC functions, averaged across subjects (n = 3). Discrimination thresholds (%) are plotted as a function of filtered pedestal contrast in log-log coordinates. Each panel contains two TvC functions, one from the pre-test (open squares), and one from the post-test (closed circles); (B) fMRI BOLD CRFs in V1 and (C) V2, averaged across subjects (n = 3). The fMRI BOLD signal changes (%) are plotted as a function of filtered stimulus contrast in linear-log coordinates. The open squares represent the CRF from the pre-test and the closed circles for the CRF from the post-test. The error bars represent 1 SEM. Smooth curves are the predictions of the best fitting model (i.e., response gain).