Distributions of TT biases in the TT clusters identified in Table 5. The ratios reflect the variance explained by TT of autobiographically salient songs divided by the variance explained TT of nonsalient songs (corrected for the number of songs in each category), thereby providing a measure of TT responsiveness to autobiographically salient versus nonsalient songs. A ratio of 1 indicates that a voxel tracked autobiographically salient and nonsalient songs equally well, whereas larger ratios indicate a bias toward tracking autobiographically salient songs. The box and whisker plots provide information about the distribution of mean TT biases across subjects with TT voxels in that cluster. The number of subjects is indicated in the top right corner of each plot. The whiskers indicate the range of the subject means (outliers indicated with a +), whereas the left, middle, and right lines forming the box represent the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile of the subject means, respectively. The letters in parentheses (R and L) following the anatomical label indicate the brain hemisphere. The x, y, z coordinates (in mm) indicate a location within the cluster that was activated by the greatest number of subjects.