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. 2009 Sep 22;8:42. doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-8-42

Table 4.

Modifications of the effect of ambient PM2.5 concentrations on heart failure admissions

Description n % incr. risk# LCLM^ UCLM^ p-value!
Individual-level risk factors

Age 85+ 39,538 6.47 3.98 9.02 0.03
75-84 53,248 3.78 1.35 6.27 0.51
65-74 36,690 2.52 -0.84 6.00 0.89
35-64 41,026 2.76 0.36 5.22 (ref)

Gender female 75,670 4.57 2.15 7.05 0.18
male 94,832 3.02 1.15 4.93 (ref)

Atherosclerosis (ICD = 440) present 1,389 10.66 -1.79 24.69 0.29
absent 169,113 3.83 2.41 5.26 (ref)

Previous heart failure admission (ICD = 428) present 62,043 4.51 2.03 7.05 0.41
absent 108,459 3.52 1.88 5.20 (ref)

Ischemic heart disease (ICD = 410-414) present 86,599 3.92 1.54 6.36 0.95
absent 83,903 3.85 2.05 5.69 (ref)

Conduction disorder (ICD = 426) present 6,238 3.66 -2.29 9.96 0.94
absent 164,264 3.89 2.46 5.34 (ref)

Diabetes (ICD = 250) present 70,986 3.72 1.31 6.18 0.80
absent 99,516 4.01 2.31 5.72 (ref)

COPD (ICD = 490-496) present 51,736 2.48 -0.05 5.07 0.10
absent 118,766 4.51 2.91 6.14 (ref)

Area-level risk factors

% adults living below poverty level, by census tract 20%-100% 57,593 2.45 -0.38 5.36 0.10
7-20% 58,092 4.51 1.62 7.49 0.85
0-7% 54,817 4.79 2.61 7.01 (ref)

Temporal variables

Season Cool 94,252 4.10 1.49 6.78 0.74
Warm 76,250 3.66 1.75 5.61 (ref)

Year* 2005 34,141 2.9 -0.10 6.05 0.23
2001 34,363 4.9 2.73 7.10 (ref)

# percent change in risk of heart failure admission per 10 ug/m3 PM2.5 averaged over lags 0-2

*modeled as continuous variable

^ lower and upper 95% confidence limit around risk estimate

! p-value for significance of interaction term