(A) Ramos cells were incubated with the indicated concentrations of Bz-423 and then Bz-423 was washed out of the media at various time points (1 h: black open squares, 2 h: green circles, 3 h: brown inverted triangles, 4 h: red squares, 5 h: blue diamonds, no wash: black triangles). Cell viability was determined by propidium iodide (PI) exclusion after 24 h of total culture. (B) Superoxide production measured by the oxidation of DHE (1 h) in response to Bz-423 and reported as median fluorescent intensity (MFI) values. Black bars = MEFs (no inhibitor, [Bz-423] =12 µM); White bars = Ramos cells (no inhibitor, [Bz-423] = 8 µM); Grey bars = Ramos cells pre-treated with PEG-CAT (200 U/mL, overnight) followed by Bz-423 (8 µM). Control MEF vs. Ramos: p >0.05; * = Bz-423 MEF vs. Ramos: p = 0.004; Control Ramos no inhibitor vs. PEG-CAT: p >0.05; Bz-423 Ramos no inhibitor vs. PEG-CAT: p >0.05.