Fig. 2.
TNIP1 is a repressor of holo-RAR activity whose repression is partially relieved by coactivator SRC1 but appears HDAC-independent. (A and B) Receptor transactivation assays in HeLa cells cotransfected with indicated amounts of pcDNA3.1-HA-TNIP1, pSG5-RARα and RXRα, SRC1 (B), and βRARE-tk-CAT (A) or βRARE-tk-Luc (B) reporter construct. DNA amount kept constant with empty pcDNA3.1-HA or pSG5. Bars with different letter indicate significantly different values. (C) Fluorimetric HDAC activity assay performed with HA immunuprecipitates from Cos-7 cells transfected as indicated. RFU: relative fluorescence units, N.S.: not significant. (D) Coimmunoprecipitation assay of TNIP1 and HDAC1 in Cos-7 cells cotransfected with pcDNA3.1-HA-TNIP1 and pCDNA3.1-HDAC1-Flag, immunoprecipitated as indicated and immunoblotted with Flag antibody.