Figure 4.
Single cell small RNA deep sequencing reveals differential piRNA cluster expression (A). Experimental scheme for multiplex sequencing of small RNA libraries from single X. tropicalis eggs. (B) Size distribution of reads from single-egg small RNA libraries. (C) Pairwise correlation comparison of genome-wide small RNA profiles in which the larger library is normalized to the size of the smaller library. Small RNA profiles measured the polarity and normalized number of uniquely mapping reads in 2 kb windows (see Materials and methods). (D) Partial clusters with similar or different expression between single frog eggs. The cluster on scaffold 1403 has similar normalized expression levels between eggs of frog A (marked with arrows) and frog B. Clusters on scaffold 2356 and 5393 are more highly expressed in eggs from frog B, whereas clusters on scaffold 199 and 166 are more highly expressed in frog A.