Figure 3. Gene and protein expression of P2Y2,4 receptors in the rat urinary bladder.
Expression of P2Y2 (A, upper panel) and P2Y4 (B, upper panel) receptors in urothelial (UT1-3), detrusor smooth muscle (SM1-3) and whole bladder (WB1-2) protein lysates was assessed using western blotting; whole rat brain (RB) protein lysate was used as positive control for antibody binding. Immunoblotted proteins corresponding to P2Y2 (60 kDa) and P2Y4 (85 kDa) were detected. P2Y4 immunoblotting was only detected in 1/3 rat urinary bladders tested. Relative expressions of P2Y2 (A, lower panel) and P2Y4 (B, lower panel) mRNA in the urothelium and detrusor smooth muscle compared to β-actin; n=3 rats was assessed using quantitative PCR. UT = urothelium; SM = smooth muscle.