Detection of mRNA of RYs in beta cells by RNase protection assay. Radiolabeled cRNA probes of RY1 (lanes 1–4), RY3 (lanes 5–8), and RY2 (lanes 9–15) were incubated with RNA, digested with RNase, and separated on a 6% polyacrylamide gel containing 7 M urea. RY1: lane 1, digested probe without sample RNA; lane 2, full-length probe without RNase treatment; lane 3, 5 μg total RNA from skeletal muscle; lane 4, 60 μg total RNA from βTC-3 cells. RY3: lane 5, digested probe without sample RNA; lane 6, full-length probe without RNase treatment; lane 7, 30 μg total RNA from brain; lane 8, 60 μg total RNA from βTC-3 cells. RY2: lane 9, digested probe without sample RNA; lane 10, full-length probe without RNase treatment; lanes 11 and 12, 5 and 1 μg total RNA from heart, respectively; lane 13, 15 μg mRNA from islets; lane 14, 60 μg total RNA from islets; lane 15, 15 μg mRNA from βTC-3 cells; lane 16, 60 μg total RNA from βTC-3 cells. Molecular weight (in bases) of protected fragment was determined by pBluescript(SK−) digested with HpaII and labeled by fill-in reaction using Klenow enzyme and [α-32P]dCTP. The figure represents experiments repeated three times.