Supervillin Headpiece | |
NMR Distance & Dihedral Constraints | |
Total Distance Constraints | 1538 |
Total NOE | 1502 |
Intra-residue | 681 |
Inter-residue | 821 |
Sequential (|i-j|=1) | 315 |
Medium-Range (|i-j|<4) | 271 |
Long-Range (|i-j|≥5) | 235 |
Hydrogen Bonds | 36 |
Total Dihedral Angle Constraints | 124 |
Phi | 53 |
Psi | 53 |
Chi1 | 28 |
Structure Statistics | |
Violations (r.m.s.d and s.d.) | |
Distance Constraints (Å) | 0.0244±0.0011 |
Dihedral Angle Constraints (°) | 0.2906±0.0483 |
Max. Distance Constraint Violation (Å) | 0.3 |
Max. Dihedral Angle Violation (°) | 3 |
Deviations from Idealized Geometry | |
Bond Lengths (Å) | 0.0029±0.00011 |
Bond Angles (°) | 0.5052±0.0105 |
Impropers (°) | 0.3973±0.0227 |
Ramachandran Plot Percentages* | |
Most Favored Regions | 1038 (81.3%) |
Additionally Allowed Regions | 215 (16.8%) |
Generously Allowed Regions | 23 (1.8%) |
Disallowed Regions | 0 (0%) |
Average Pairwise R.M.S.D. (Å)** | |
Heavy | 0.831 |
Backbone | 0.475 |
Calculated from the 22 accepted structures with procheck-nmr
Average pairwise R.M.S.D. of 22 accepted structures (residues 18-75)