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. 2009 Apr 8;2(3):141–148. doi: 10.1007/s12245-009-0098-7

Table 1.

Triage system in Hong Kong

Category Patient’s condition Target response time and staff actions
1. Critical ∙Suffers from a life-threatening condition(s) caused by a major event ∙ Immediate for all cases
∙With unstable vital signs requiring immediate resuscitation ∙ Direct patient to resuscitation room
∙ Attend patient immediately by a team comprising medical and nursing staff
2. Emergency ∙ Suffers from a potentially life-threatening condition ∙ <15 min for 95% of cases
∙ Borderline vital signs but with potential risk of rapid deterioration ∙ Direct patient to resuscitation room / treatment cubicle
∙ Requires emergency treatment and immediate continuous close monitoring ∙ Require medical attention and immediate continuous close monitoring within 15 min
3. Urgent ∙ Suffers from a major condition with potential risk of deterioration ∙ <30 min for 90% of cases
∙ Stable vital signs ∙ Direct patient to cubicle
4. Semi-urgent ∙ Suffers from acute but stable condition(s) ∙ Direct patient to cubicle/walk-in clinic
∙ Stable vital signs
∙ Can afford to wait some time without serious complications
5. Non-urgent ∙ Suffers from minor and stable condition(s) (including acute and non-acute conditions) ∙ Direct patient to walk-in clinic
∙ Can afford to wait without deterioration ∙ Remarks
∙ Stable vital signs ∙ Conditions can be treated in primary health-care facilities
∙ Should be based on clinical judgement only. Economic, social factors and availability of facilities should not be taken into consideration