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. 2009 Aug 14;338(1):1–17. doi: 10.1007/s00441-009-0849-z

Table 1.

Molecular components of the major categories (I–IV) and several other forms (1–7) of mammalian symmetrical (homotypic) junctions (JAM junction adhesion molecule, brackets not regularly seen in all cells, nd not decided as yet)

Type Occurrence Associated filaments Transmembrane proteins and glycoproteins Specific plaque proteins (selection of hallmark representatives)
I. Desmosomes
 Maculae adhaerentes Epithelial cells Intermediate-sized filaments (keratins, vimentin, desmin) Desmogleins Dsg 1–3a Plakoglobin
Cardiomyocytes Desmoplakins
Meningothelial cells Desmocollins Dsc 1–3a Plakophilins 1–3a
Reticulum cells of thymus and lymph follicles
II. Adherens junctions
 Zonulae adhaerentes Epithelial cells Microfilaments (actin) Typical cadherinsa (e.g., E-cadherin, N-cadherin, VE-cadherin, cadherin-11) nectin α- and β-Catenin, plakoglobin, protein p120, protein ARVCF, protein p0071, neurojunginb, proteins ZO-1-3, afadin, vinculin
Endothelial cells
 Fasciae adhaerentes Various types of cardiomyocytes
 Puncta adhaerentia Mesenchymal and neural cells
III. Tight junctions
 Zonulae occludentes Epithelial cells d Occludin Proteins ZO-1-3
Claudins 1–24a
Endothelial cells Tricellulin(s)c Cingulin
JAM proteins
IV. Gap junctions
 Nexus All kinds of tissue-forming cells Connexins 1-21a Proteins ZO-1-3
  1. Minimal dot junctions
 Puncta adhaerentia minima Mesenchymal cells Microfilaments (actin) N-cadherin, cadherin-11 α- and β-Catenin, proteins p120, p0071, ARVCF, (plakoglobine), afadin
  2. Taproot adherens junctions
 Manubria adhaerentia Mesenchymal cells in culture Microfilaments (actin) N-cadherin, cadherin-11 α- and β-Catenin, (plakoglobine), proteins p120, p0071, ARVCF, proteins ZO-1-3, afadin, vinculin
  3. Plakophilin-2-containing adherens junctions
 Coniunctiones adhaerentes Mesenchymally derived cells of high proliferative activity Microfilaments (actin) N-cadherin, cadherin-11 (nectin) α- and β-Catenin, plakoglobine, proteins p120 and p0071a, plakophilin-2, (plakophilin-3f), proteins ZO-1-3, afadin, vinculin
  4. Composite junctions
 Areae compositae Cardiomyocytes of maturing and adult heart Microfilaments (actin) N-cadherin Desmoplakin, α- and β-catenin, proteins p120, ARVCF and p0071, plakophilin-2, proteins ZO-1–3
Intermediate-sized filaments Desmoglein-2
  5. Adherens cortex
 Cortex adhaerens Eye lens interior ndd N-cadherin, cadherin-11 α- and β-Catenin, plakoglobin, protein p120, ezrin, periplakin, periaxin
  6. Sandwich junctions
 Iuncturae structae Epidermal stratum spinosum or equivalent layers of other stratified epithelia nd Occludin, claudins nd
  7. Complex junctions
 Complexus adhaerentes Endothelial and virgultar cells of lymph node sinus nd N-cadherin Desmoplakin, α- and β-catenin, protein p120, plakoglobin, proteins ZO-1–3, afadin
JAM proteins

aOne isoform or combinations of a few representatives, often with cell-type and cell-layer specificities

bOnly cell-type-specific combinations of the armadillo-type proteins underlined

cThere are two mRNA splice products of which only one protein has so far been localized

dActin microfilaments are seen near the junctions, but their specific association is not clear

ePlakoglobin has been demonstrated only in some cells and with markedly differing intensities, even in the same culture

fPlakophilin-3 has been seen only in a portion of plakophilin-2-positive cells