Taq polymerase arrest assays on ODNs I′, II′, VIII′, and IX′ and DMS footprinting assays on ODNs I and IX. (A) Taq polymerase arrest assays (see Materials and Methods) were performed on ODNs I′, II′, VIII′, and IX′ with increasing concentrations of KCl. The C and G sequencing lanes are shown to the left of the gels together with the sequence and the G-tracts. The locations of the primer start site (P), quadruplex pausing site (S), and full-length product (FL) are shown to the right of the gels. (B) DMS footprinting assays of ODNs I and IX in the absence and presence of 140 mM KCl. DMS footprinting was as described in Materials and Methods. The sequences of ODNs I and IX are shown to the left of the gels together with the degree of DMS protection of guanines (complete protection = open circles, no protection = filled circles, and partial protection = half or quarter filled circles). The brackets to the right of the gels indicate the guanine tracts.