Fig. 5.
Inter-epithelial filopodia contain active actin-myosin complexes. (A-H) Eye region cryosections from E10.5 mouse embryos labeled for nuclei with Hoechst 33258 (blue), F-actin (green), myosin II (A-D, red) or phospho-myosin II (E-H, red). In C,D, the position of red channel myosin labeling is indicated on the green channel (F-actin) by the white-outlined regions. In G,H, the position of red channel phospho-myosin labeling is indicated on the green channel (F-actin) by the white-outlined regions. In G, phospho-myosin labeling in filopodia that appear to originate in presumptive retina is indicated by arrowheads. A gray line between panels indicates that they are separated color channels of the same image. Scale bars: 20 μm.