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. 2009 Sep 23;30(6):624–712. doi: 10.1210/er.2009-0012

Table 11.

Mouse models of epithelial ovarian cancer

Model Phenotype Ref.
p53−/− ovarian explants transduced with Myc, activated Kras, or activated Akt, followed by injection of cells into nude mice sc, ip, or intrabursally Infection with at least two oncogenes causes poorly differentiated carcinomas 8 wk after injection; infection with one oncogene has longer latency of 12 wk to 6 months; intrabursal injection leads to ip and retroperitoneal metastases 503
p53flox/flox Brca1flox/flox ovarian explants transduced with Cre and Myc, followed by ip injection into immunodeficient or immunocompetent mice Serous carcinomas with hemorrhagic ascites and peritoneal metastases 524
Amhr2-TAg (transgenic; mouse Amhr2 promoter driving expression of SV40 T antigen) Bilateral, poorly differentiated ovarian carcinomas with serous components and ip metastases; tumors present in newborn ovaries 504,509
AdCre-infected p53flox/flox Rb1flox/flox (double cKO) Serous, poorly differentiated, and undifferentiated metastatic ovarian carcinomas; median survival of 227 d after AdCre injection 510
LSL-KrasG12D/+ Ptenflox/flox Amhr2cre/+ (activation of oncogenic Kras allele and conditional deletion of Pten) Serous ovarian carcinomas 513
AdCre-infected LSL-KrasG12D/+ Ptenflox/flox (activation of oncogenic Kras allele and conditional deletion of Pten) Endometrioid ovarian carcinomas with peritoneal dissemination 511,512
AdCre-infected Apcflox/flox Ptenflox/flox (double cKO) Endometrioid ovarian carcinomas with peritoneal dissemination 515

AdCre, ovarian intrabursal injection of recombinant adenovirus expressing Cre recombinase; LSL, LoxP-Stop-LoxP.