Figure 5. DLST deficiency induced spatial learning and memory impairment in female Tg19959 mice.
Latencies (A for males and C for females) and distances (B for males and D for females) before reaching the hidden platform during the acquisition period in wild-type, DLST+/−, Tg19959 mice and Tg19959-DLST+/− littermates. Data are expressed as means ± standard errors. DLST deficiency induced spatial learning deficit in female Tg19959 mice, as shown by the increased distance traveled during the acquisition period, especially on the last day of training (* p<0.05).
Percent time spent in the NW quadrant during the probe trial (E for males and F for females) in wild-type, DLST+/−, Tg19959 mice and Tg19959-DLST+/− littermates. Data are expressed as means ± standard errors. DLST deficiency induced spatial memory impairment in female Tg19959 mice, as shown by the decreased percent time spent in the NW quadrant of the pool (* p<0.05).