Figure 1. SEM and optical microscopy images of various morphologies of co-axial electrospun fibers.
Figure 1 a and b (Top left): SEM images showing cross sections of paclitaxel-loaded core inside the PLGA shell fibers. The electrospun fibers have diameter of 200–250 µm and are designed to serve as drug eluting sutures [51] (Reprint with permission from Elsevier). Figure 1 c: Optical microscopy images of PCL hollow microtubes depicting consistent shell/core fiber size (Reprint with permission [40] from Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA). Figure 1 d and e: SEM images of PCL hollow microtubes (Reprint with permission [40] from Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA). Figure 1 f–h (Bottom): SEM images demonstrating the changes in surface morphology of PCL (shell) and BSA (core) fibers loaded with different concentration of PEG porogen (0%, 0.07% and 7%). At day 30, PCL fibers with no porogen (f) show no significant swelling and pore formation, while fibers with 0.07% porogen (g) have extensive development of pores on the surface. Average size of the pores is around 100 nm. Fibers with 7% porogen (h) show accelerated degradation in additional to the formed pores.