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. 2009 Jul 22;37(17):5917–5929. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp608

Table 1.

Helical, backbone and groove parameters calculated with Curves+ for (panel A) A-DNA and (panel B) B-DNA and (panel C) standard deviations of helical and groove parameters along the oligomers

Panel A: A-DNA (using PDB file 1d13)
BP-axis Xdisp Ydisp Incl Tip

A −3.95 0.00 16.8 0.0
Aold −4.71 0.00 16.8 0.0
Intra-BP Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Propel Opening
A 0.00 −0.01 0.04 0.0 −15.3 4.2
Aold 0.00 0.03 −0.17 0.0 −15.3 4.0
Inter-BP Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist H-Rise H-Twist
A 0.00 −1.23 3.26 0.0 8.4 31.7 2.72 33.1
Aold 0.00 −1.65 3.37 0.0 8.4 31.7 2.69 33.1
Backbone α β γ δ ϵ ζ χ Pha Amp
A −31.5 157.8 9.2 97.3 −157.1 −81.3 −152.6 16.7 41.3
Grooves Min-W Min-D Maj-W Maj-D
A 9.7 1.4 2.8 9.6
Panel B: B-DNA (using PDB file 1bna)
BP-axis Xdisp Ydisp Incl Tip

B 0.27 0.11 −0.1 −1.0
Bold −0.48 0.11 −0.1 −1.0
Intra-BP Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Propel Opening
B −0.04 −0.17 0.21 0.3 −13.7 1.0
Bold −0.04 −0.08 0.03 0.3 −13.7 0.8
Inter-BP Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist H-Rise H-Twist
B −0.02 0.14 3.36 −0.2 −0.3 35.8 3.35 36.0
Bold −0.02 −0.33 3.36 −0.2 −0.3 35.0 3.35 36.0
Backbone α β γ δ ϵ ζ χ Pha Amp
B −73.3 179.7 66.0 121.1 173.7 −88.5 −122.2 127.3 50.2
Grooves Min-W Min-D Maj-W Maj-D
B 4.2 4.9 10.5 5.4
Panel C: Standard deviations of parameters along the A-DNA (1d13) and B-DNA (1bna) oligomers
BP-axis Xdisp Ydisp Incl Tip

A 0.39 0.62 1.1 5.4
B 0.56 0.23 4.7 3.1
Intra-BP Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Propel Opening
A 0.18 0.08 0.25 5.3 4.5 4.6
B 0.27 0.08 0.19 5.9 6.9 4.3
Inter-BP Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist H-Rise H-Twist
A 0.70 0.29 0.09 3.4 0.6 4.9 0.14 4.9
B 0.55 0.43 0.18 2.9 5.9 4.1 0.18 4.1
Grooves Min-W Min-D Maj-W Maj-D
A 0.17 0.20 0.0 0.0
B 1.29 0.30 0.71 0.96

Helical parameters are averages over the oligomers. Backbone parameters refer to G5 in the first strand of 1d13 and to A6 in the first strand of 1bna. Groove parameters refer to the level involving the same central base pairs. Aold and Bold refer to an analysis of 1d13 and 1bna respectively using the old Curves base reference frame. Translational parameters are in Å (shown with two decimal places) and rotational parameters are in degrees (shown with a single decimal place).